Hilda wrote:
The walkers revisited Auchtermuchty
today. We did the first walk in January
2012 and as I recall it was a lovely winter’s day although cold and frosty but
what a change in the countryside on a beautiful sunny summer’s day. We had
thirteen in the group and when we arrived in Muchty it was a bit busier than
usual due to the Muchty Festival holding the final day of celebration.
We headed up Bondgate towards the
school and straight on to part of the Common Loop. We had our first wee breather at the Mairs
car park before crossing the road and picking our way through a tricky pathway
and crossing the burn. The next part of the walk took us through Glassart’s
Den. Now having done this walk before I
thought I knew the way but I soon realised the picnic table at the top of a
hill where we were to have the next stop had been completely missed! Oops. However, we were all enjoying the walk and
the company and the omission didn’t seem to have made any difference. We passed the lovely house belonging to Jimmy
Shand Jnr which is positioned to benefit from the most amazing scenery. Further along the same road is the plot where
his father Jimmy Shand Snr had his home.
It was demolished and another lovely house rebuilt on the site. On the
last part of the walk we visited the bronze sculpture of Jimmy Shand and had a
few photos taken.
Yes, we were neat about the feet in our walking
boots! Soon it was time to depart and we
left Muchty for the Covenanters Hotel in Falkland. There we enjoyed delicious hot scones and a
generous helping of tea/coffee in pleasant surroundings.
Another successful day with the
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